BAND 7.5 IELTS Academic Writing Task 2 Samples

In this page, you will find a variety of essay samples corresponding to the BAND 7.5 score. Use these essays as tools to learn, understand and evolve your own writing style for the IELTS examination.

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In many countries, the amount of waste produced by households and industries is increasing at an alarming rate. What are the main causes of this situation, and what measures could be taken to tackle the problem? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Today, the amount of household and industrial waste is rising substantially at an alarming rate, which is probably the greatest threat to the environment. This essay will shed some light on the main cause of the problem, and will also suggest a viable solution to tackle with this situation effectively. To begin with, increasing use of non-biodegradable packaging materials, such as plastics, m ...



In many countries, the amount of crime is increasing. What do you think are the main causes of crime? How can we deal with those causes? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

It is true that violent crime has increased in many countries lately. This essay examines some main reasons for this trend and argues that governments can play a major role in preventing such crimes. There are at least two important factors that contribute to the increasing number of criminals. First, millions of jobs have been lost globally due to rapid advancements in technology, inn ...



Some people believe that the government should prioritize investments in public services, such as education and healthcare, over spending on the arts. Others, however, argue that investing in the arts is equally important. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. Provide relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge to support your answer.

It has been argued that it would be a waste of financial resources for the government to invest in arts, such as music and theater. Instead, this money has to be invested in public services. Although it is quite important to spend money on different types of public services, I do not agree that allocating national budget to the arts is a waste of money. There are several areas of public servic ...



Some people argue that individuals should take responsibility for their own health and wellbeing, while others believe it's the government's duty to provide healthcare services to everyone in society. Discuss both these views and provide your own opinion. Support your answer with relevant examples and explanations.

Health and wellbeing are fundamental aspects of a thriving society, and the question of who should bear the responsibility for them has long been a subject of debate. Some assert that individuals must take charge of their own health, while others contend that the government should provide healthcare services to all citizens. This essay examines both perspectives and presents arguments for each ...



In many countries, the amount of crime is increasing. What do you think are the main causes of crime? How can we deal with those causes? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Nowadays, an issue of concern for numerous countries is an unprecedented increase in the rate of crimes that are being committed. This has led governments to take drastic measures against criminal acts and advocate policies that could ameliorate the current situation. To examine crime more thoroughly, however, it is essential to find out what stimulates ordinary people to become steadfast crim ...



In many countries, young people are finding it difficult to secure stable employment after completing their education. What do you think are the main causes of this issue, and what measures can be taken to address the problem? Provide relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge to support your answer.

These days, finding a decent job has become a far-fetched goal for university graduates. Not being to find an appropriate job even after getting a university degree, could be because of the ineffective academic training and the unstable job market. However, several measures can be taken to address the unemployment problem. university graduates have faced many difficulties finding a suitable j ...



Some people argue that individuals should take responsibility for their own health and wellbeing, while others believe it's the government's duty to provide healthcare services to everyone in society. Discuss both these views and provide your own opinion. Support your answer with relevant examples and explanations.

Although some members of the society believe that it is not governments' duty to provide people with healthcare and social welfare services and the citizens themselves should take care of those costs, some others put the responsibility on state authorities. This essay will explore arguments of both sides of the debate and also will demonstrate that the writer thinks these expenses should be c ...



Some people believe that technological advancements, specifically in the field of communication, have led to a decline in the quality of interpersonal relationships. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Provide reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

There is no doubt that this century could be characterized as the age of technology. Technology, literally, has changed paradigms in every aspect of human life. Socializing and presence in society are no exceptions in this shift. Some people believe that technology has had a positive effect on social life, but others tend to disagree with it. Those people who believe in the positive effect of ...



In many countries, the age of retirement is being increased gradually as life expectancy rises. Some people argue that this has negative effects on the workforce, while others think it is beneficial. Discuss both views and provide your own opinion.

The age of retirement has been a controversial topic in the past few years. As the life expectancy grows, the age of retirement increases in many parts of the world. People have two general opinions towards the mentioned issue. One group believes this to be a positive trend while the other portion claims opposition. There are some convincing arguments in favor of the first group. For instance ...



In today's world, people are increasingly using private cars for transportation, causing a considerable impact on the environment and public health. Some individuals argue that the government should take strict measures to limit the number of private vehicles, while others believe that improved public transport systems are a better solution. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. Provide relevant examples and evidence to support your answer.

These days, individuals opt to utilize private vehicles for travel and commuting, rather than relying on public transportation. However, there exist divergent views on whether the government should impose restrictions on private car trafficking or instead invest in public transportation. The yearly increase in the number of private cars on the streets has led to a rise in air pollution and co ...



Some people believe that it is necessary for a country's development to have a large number of scientists and engineers, while others think that other professionals, such as musicians and artists, are equally important for a country's progress. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Provide specific examples and relevant evidence to support your answer.

In this industrialised and competitive era, nations endeavour for better standings in development indices to raise their profiles. To meet this goal, some believe that the majority of attention should be focused on industrialising and scientific progress while some others are on the idea that other aspects of developemnets should equally be pursued to reach a well-developed or even utopian soc ...



Some people argue that technological advancements have led to environmental problems, while others believe that it can help solve the problems it has caused. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Support your answer with relevant examples and evidence.

It is believed that the technology has created some issues in the environment, however, created problems can be addressed by the help of technology itself. Although, some of the matters need a significant amount of time to be resolved, I think, the improvements in technology field are the best way to overcome the environmental pitfalls. There are many reasons why some people reckon that the p ...



In many countries, the number of elderly people is increasing steadily. Some believe that this trend has negative effects on society, while others argue that it has positive impacts. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Provide relevant examples and evidence to support your answer.

The increasing elderly population is a topic that has been debated for years. Some people believe that this trend has negative effects on society, while others argue that it has positive impacts. On the one hand, the increasing elderly population can have several negative effects on society. For example, it can affect economic growth, trade, migration, disease patterns and prevalence, and fund ...



In today's world, many people argue that it is essential to address environmental issues, while others believe that the primary focus should be on economic development. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Provide relevant examples and evidence to support your response.

People hold different views about whether the government should shoulder the responsibility of preserving the environment or each person is responsible one. From my standpoint, it will be more beneficial if both the country’s authorities and individuals share the responsibility. On the one hand, the government may play a pivotal role in maintaining the environment safe and healthy. It is auth ...



In today's world, people have become increasingly reliant on modern technology for communication and gathering information. While some argue this has led to a more connected and informed society, others believe that this reliance on technology has made people more disconnected from one another. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this perspective? Provide relevant examples and evidence to support your answer.

Learners are becoming ever more dependent on technology, such as the Internet and mobile devices. This essay believes the main problems associated with dependence on computers is the lack of original thought and copying original work from others and suggests critical thinking classes and writing analysis software as the most viable solutions. The principal problems with over-reliance on techn ...