All General Writing Task 1 Samples / Band 7.5

Some people believe that technological advancements, specifically in the field of communication, have led to a decline in the quality of interpersonal relationships. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Provide reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Essay Sample

There is no doubt that this century could be characterized as the age of technology. Technology, literally, has changed paradigms in every aspect of human life. Socializing and presence in society are no exceptions in this shift. Some people believe that technology has had a positive effect on social life, but others tend to disagree with it.
Those people who believe in the positive effect of technology on social life have some adequate reasoning. Technology, especially the internet and social media, made it possible to have new ways of connecting with other citizens. Nowadays, people could reach their friends and families in a fraction of time through messaging apps from all corners of the world. It’s also possible to discuss any topic through social media, involve in meaningful discourses and meet like-minded people to start new relationships. Modern communication tools even make it easier to have a healthy social life for introverts who may had problems to connect with others before.
However, there could be certain arguments to refute the amazing impacts of technology on human social life. Opponents to this impact, mainly argue that the interactions through modern technologies are not as real nor as meaningful as the ones in real life. For instance, photo-sharing apps, as one of the products of technology, could create a sense of FOMO. You see luxurious, fancy and to be honest fake pictures of your friends on a daily basis, then compare them to your simple life and get more stressed out. You may even be involved in this unreal trend and present a flawless version of yourself that is in contradiction with your real character.
To sum up, both sides of this argument have logical reasoning. Technology made social life easier and at the same time, pose threats to maintaining meaningful relationships with others. I tend to believe that the advantages of this new phenomenon outweigh the disadvantages. A prosperous society is the one that uses benefits of any new facilities, in this case internet, and controls downsides with proper policies and education.