All General Writing Task 1 Samples / Band 7.5

Some people argue that individuals should take responsibility for their own health and wellbeing, while others believe it's the government's duty to provide healthcare services to everyone in society. Discuss both these views and provide your own opinion. Support your answer with relevant examples and explanations.

Essay Sample

Although some members of the society believe that it is not governments' duty to provide people with healthcare and social welfare services and the citizens themselves should take care of those costs, some others put the responsibility on state authorities. This essay will explore arguments of both sides of the debate and also will demonstrate that the writer thinks these expenses should be covered by administrations.

Focusing on the ones who argue that individuals should take responsibility for their own health and wellbeing, some of them discuss that in order to cover such costs, governments have no other choice rather than increasing tax rates. This situation seems pleasing for the elderly and the ones in need but not for those who do not require such services.

Regarding the other side of the debate, they assume although health and welfare are quite crucial for every individual, usually people do not save their money for emergency situations for instance, when a person has saved money in order to buy a nice car, does not expect accidents like a crash or a sudden illness. Also there are some people from lower classes who if are not able to cover their primary needs, they can put the region's security in compromise. Therefore, it will be better if governments provide services for such circumstances.

In conclusion, despite the disagreement with the idea of governments being responsible for providing healthcare and social welfare services for the citizens because of the inevitable raise in tax rates, another group of people support the idea since not only people usually do not expect accidents, but also, it is crucial for the nations' safety. The writer finds the latter argument more reasonable.