Boost your IELTS preparation with our AI mock exams. Experience real-time grading and tailored feedback for Speaking Mock Test.
How It Works
Our AI-powered platform helps you prepare for the IELTS Speaking test in 4 easy steps.
students completed 6744 practices
Practice under authentic exam conditions for a real test feel. Timer, word count, and more.
Get detailed feedback and what you can improve from our AI system.
Practice anytime, anywhere, and as much as you need. Beat the exam stress with our platform.
See Why People Use Our App to Prepare to the IELTS Exam!
“The AI integration in IELTSChamp is incredibly impressive. Not only does it provide instant feedback, but it's also surprisingly on-point. Practicing with this app has genuinely felt like having a personal IELTS coach by my side. I'm super excited for my upcoming test.”
“What sets IELTSChamp apart for me is its intuitive design. It's not just about practice; it's about understanding where you're going wrong and how you can fix it. Every aspiring IELTS student needs this app.”
“When a colleague introduced me to IELTSChamp, I was a tad skeptical. But a few sessions in, and I'm hooked! The real-time evaluations and comprehensive feedback have been nothing short of enlightening. Kudos to the team behind this!”
“I struggled a lot with the writing section, especially Task 2. But with IELTSChamp, I've better understood the dos and don'ts. The detailed feedback after each essay has been a game-changer for me.”
“Having struggled with my IELTS preparation, ieltschamp proved to be a godsend. Its AI-driven feedback system pinpointed my flaws, which other platforms missed. Forever grateful!”
“excellent website helped me a lot”
“U cannot pick my favorite thing because i love just everything about ieltschamp. It's easy to use and accurate. I will definitely recommend you to my friends.”
“Omg i love you. It's just perfect. The grading and the comments on writings are amazing and accurate. I have recommended you to several of my friends preparing for ielts and they all enjoyed it. Thank youuu”
“I love the writing part and the grading. It has helped me a lot. I will continue using it and will definitely recommend it to my friends. My only problem is with the small number of free practices.”
“IELTS speaking practise is the most challenging one, but with this application it made it very easy to prepare for the exams. The effective use of AI in this application, helps in providing useful suggestions which can be incorporated in speech to improve overall band score.”
“This website is the best asset to boost my writing score. I could improve by the corrections and applying the given feedback after each essay. Besides the score that gives to you, there are lots of useful recommendations that the more you apply, the more your score will enhance.”
“I really like writing scoring system that divide each parts and scores separately. it is great to understand your weaknesses and try to improve them. Also, I would recommend it to the individuals who want to self study.”
“I like everything about ielts champ. it is a perfect site that I have recommended it to whom need to practice ielts writing and speaking”
“It is really a great and accurate AI-based platform to use with minor errors. I highly recommend it to my friends as I did today. Thank you.”
“This website is not only great but also helpful for practicing and improving Ielts skills, especially writing. I already recommend this perfect website to my friends.”
Elevate your IELTS preparation with our AI-powered Mock Exams for Writing and Speaking. Real-time grading, personalized feedback, and authentic exam experience.