All General Writing Task 1 Samples / Band 7.5

Some people believe that companies should provide financial support to employees who want to further their education, while others argue that it is the responsibility of employees to fund their own education. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Essay Sample

While certain sections of society state that corporations should fund their workers to further strengthen and pursue their education, others believe the polar opposite and feel it's the sole responsibility of the individual to manage on their own if they want to study further. I tend to agree with the former as I believe companies channeling their monetary funds for the development of their workforce is eventually going to repay them significantly making it a win-win situation for all engaged.

To begin with, in the contemporary epoch, companies tend to care more about their workers as it is ultimately beneficial for them. This is evident by the constant development of HR services and various grants provided to the people who work within the company. Consequently, this makes the worker elated and stress-free which equates to better performance and higher productivity for the company. To elucidate, a worldwide brand Infosys invests in various fields including education and sports on behalf of their workers stating the fact that by making their employees much more masterful and efficient they have witnessed exponential growth in the output for their association. Thus, the benefits of putting money on the employees are indubitable.

With that being said, it is often recommended that a person should not be financially dependent on a company and should take the onus of completing their education by themselves. To elaborate, by depending on big associations, individuals can get under loads of pressure to repay them back and in the process get severely manipulated. For instance, many companies take advantage of this fact and pressurize their workers to do double or even triple the amount of work. Hence, highlighting the downside associated with this scheme.

In conclusion, although there is no denying that an individual should do their best to fund their further studies on their own, sometimes it is not possible owing to which they depend on companies and get blackmailed by them. However, I concur that by providing money to their workforce these MNCs can instill
unparalleled skills within them boosting their confidence which would inevitably lead to their success.