All General Writing Task 1 Samples / Band 7.5

Some people believe that companies should provide financial support to employees who want to further their education, while others argue that it is the responsibility of employees to fund their own education. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Essay Sample

Necessity of financial support for employees education has been a controversial debate. Many believe that the financial support should be covered by the companies while others believe that it is on the employee himself. This essay is going to discuss the both views.

On the one hand, companies who support their employees by giving them funds to upgrade their knowledge are indirectly aiding their own business to improve their outcome. Higher educated employee by utilizing way more upgraded skills and information may increase a company’s productivity as well as annual income. Moreover, financial support for educational programs not only have monetary benefits but also has an important effect on psychological health of employees. If a company provides a situation in which staff could find a shortcut to increase their venue through upgrading educational status it tend to have a direct effect on their effort on studying and obtaining new information in order to advantage the company.Furthermore, higher revenue coupled with higher educational degree has a significant impact on employee’s self confidence and life satisfaction.
On the other hand, employees who support their costs of education by themselves may take their courses way more seriously.It is expected that if an employee finds the need to follow their educational courses due to a promotion or higher income they would mainly devote their time to acquire more knowledge related to their job. Moreover, financial supports for educational purposes would not be considered as important as funds for accommodations or health services for staff and therefore it would be recommended that the budget be allocated for priorities.

As a consequence, by considering both views as well as the advantages and disadvantages of financial support of companies for their employees educational purposes not only do I find this idea beneficial for the business but also could be considered as a viable method of psychological support for employees.