All General Writing Task 1 Samples / Band 6.5

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of working remotely from home as opposed to working in a traditional office environment. To what extent do you believe the shift towards remote work will have a lasting impact on society? Support your views with relevant examples and arguments.

Essay Sample

The effects of remote work as an alternative to on-site work in communities are being debated among people these days. I believe remote work as a method of working is popular approch which state of the art strategies for motivation employees and companies. The advancements of this method outweight the drawbacks. Although this phenomenon as a new approach has a gray-zone and society face with some issues when implementing.
Remote work has the fundamental benefits for employees and companies. The first reason is the employees dont stuck in traffic and have more time to prepare before work hours therefore increase their quality of life. Additionally this benefit lead them to have a high performance with more creativity in working time. The second reason is the expenses reduction for personnel attendance for companies.COVID-19 era was good period for expansion work from home. During this time, companies had to provide the necessary structures for remote work for their personnel so they can determine the advancements of remote works. The third reason is working parents can spend more time with their families so they can better upbringing theirs children.
While companies face to some issues. These problems include: Lack of face-to-face meetings which has mor efficiency than virtual meetings also bosses has less control on their staffs because they can't access them all the time additionally team-oriented activities can be affected because the interactions between the members decrease.
Overally I think the trend of remote working instead of on-site working has the appreciated effects on communities and the advancements of remote working outweigh drawbacks.