All General Writing Task 1 Samples / Band 5.5

In today's world, people have become increasingly reliant on modern technology for communication and gathering information. While some argue this has led to a more connected and informed society, others believe that this reliance on technology has made people more disconnected from one another. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this perspective? Provide relevant examples and evidence to support your answer.

Essay Sample

Now a days in the modern world of technology, people are dependent on new technology for communication and knowledge. although some people claimed that the widespread use of new technology has mad people disconnected, others and in my own opinion believed that it's benefits outwights its drawbacks.
first of all, new communication provides a facility that you can connect to anyone without any limitation in time and place. In the other words there is no difficulty to be in touch with someone who lives miles away. what's more dislike a couple of centres ago when people used to send letters to communicate, by social medias massages will deliver in a second with no risk of being missed. moreover people have chance to access every article and book they want and ask all of their questions from great professors around the world.for instance during the corona virus epidemic students study online from their home by using new technology.
on the other hand, some people believed with new ways of communications people will relay on connecting by massages and calls only and refuse to visit each other. I completely disagree with this point of view since people can always arrange a meeting or a trip to reunited with each other and can always visit their relatives.
in conclusion, new technology has provide a great opportunity for people to be connected or informed about new science but to avoid getting disconnected people should try to stay in touch by visiting with each other.