All General Writing Task 1 Samples / Band 5.5

Some people believe that competitive sports, both team and individual, have no place in the school curriculum and should be replaced by non-competitive physical activities. Others argue that sports contribute positively to a child's education and should be included in the school program. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. Support your answer with relevant examples and reasons.

Essay Sample

Sport plays an important role in every schools. While it is claimed that it is compulsory to omit sports, whether competitive or individual, from schools' schedule, a considerable number of people believe that it is better to involve which I totally advocate it. It can contribute to a better spiritual as well as learning some lessons.

Playing sport can undeniably improve spiritual. Students have some rejuvenating times to calm their mind and because of that, can progress in their lessons. For example, some schools can be mentioned which have put off sport and forced students to just focusing on their home works. as a consequence of that, after a while, school are being afflicted for students and try to avoid it.

Another cons for maintaining sport in schedule is related to learning lessons from these activities. Sports, specially group ones, can teach team work which ,from my point of view, can makes the dream works and pursue everyone's dream. For an illustration, we can talk about some sports like football which has a vast number of fan and World Wide cup plays an essential role in this. we can see 11 people who cooperate and try together. As a result, they achieve what is important for them and be satisfied by themselves.

Unlike, some people argue and claim sport has some varied drawbacks. Student has to spend their times on learning lessons and by playing sport they just wasting their valuable time. Moreover, sport can be cause of some acute injuries which can be resulted in some crucially significant problems. From, my point of view, it is obligatory for every students to have some recreational time by doing sport and not just concentrate on their lessons. Additionally, they can use some protective equipment to prevent from injuries.

In conclusion, some people suggest to remove sport, both individual and team from students' schedule. however, a huge number of people contrast whit this belief and find out sport as a positive program which I completely agree with. It can lead students to a better spiritual as well as learning some lessons. despite I am fan of remaining sports, In my opinion, in the foreseeable future, a remarkable number of schools will definitely forget about sports in students' program.