All General Writing Task 1 Samples / Band 5.5

The line chart below shows the results of a survey giving the reasons why people moved to the capital city of a particular country.Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Essay Sample

The charts demonstrate the portion of household spendings int New Zealand and the UK in years 1980 and 2008.
Overall, the UK seems to maintain the habit of spending the most on leisure, while initially the biggest portion appears to belong to food and drink in New Zealand and then getting replaced by utility bills. The spending on the not listed expenses remains as the smallest piece in the chart in both countries.
In 1980 in the UK people tended to dedicate 26 percent of their budget to utility bills it was pretty much the same for New Zealand with a rate of 27 percent. further in 2008 they both showed an increase in this aspect the UK’s percentage becoming 28 and New Zealand’s 31 becoming the biggest portion. Another aspect that raised in rate in both countries in 2008 are the not listed expenses being 9% at starting time and increasing slightly to 11 in both countries.
New Zealand and the UK both cut down on the budget devoted to food and drink starting with 29 and 23 percent respectively in 1980 facing a dramatic drop to 13 percent in the UK and a slight fall to 25 % in New Zealand at the end. Also they both abated slightly in transport expenses; the rate being 15 in the UK and 17 in New Zealand at first and then increasing by 1 percent in both. unlike the UK whose biggest piece in 1980 was dedicated to leisure with a number of 27 percent and even raised further more to 34 , New Zealand started with 18 percent and even fell by one percent in 2008.